Child components#

Unicorn supports nesting components so that one component is a child of another. Since HTML is a tree structure, a component can have multiple children, but each child only has one parent.

We will slowly build a nested component example with three components: table, filter, and row. The table is the parent and contains the other two components. The filter will update the parent table component, and the row will contain functionality to edit a row.

Parent component#

<!-- table.html -->
{% load unicorn %}
  {% unicorn 'filter' %}

    {% for book in books %}
      <td>{{ }}</td>
      <td>{{ book.title }}</td>
    {% endfor %}
from book.models import Book
from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView

class TableView(UnicornView):
    books = Book.objects.none()

    def mount(self):

    def load_table(self):
        self.books = Book.objects.all()[0:10]

Child component#

The child component, filter, will have access to its parent through the view’s self.parent. The FilterView is using the updated method to filter the books queryset on the table component when the filter’s search model is changed.

<!-- filter.html -->
  <input type="text" unicorn:model="search" />
from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView

class FilterView(UnicornView):
    search = ""

    def updated_search(self, query):

        if query:
            self.parent.books = list(
                filter(lambda f: query.lower() in f.title.lower(), self.parent.books)
        # Forces the parent to re-render instead of just the current component
        self.parent.force_render = True

Multiple children#

If we want to encapsulate the editing and saving of a row of data, we can add in a row component as well.


The discard action modifier is used on the cancel button to provide an easy way to prevent any edits from being saved.

<!-- row.html -->
    {% if is_editing %}
    <input type="text" unicorn:model.defer="" />
    {% else %}
    {{ }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if is_editing %}
    <input type="text" unicorn:model.defer="book.title" />
    {% else %}
    {{ book.title }}
    {% endif %}
    {% if is_editing %}
    <button unicorn:click="save">Save</button>
    <button unicorn:click.discard="cancel">Cancel</button>
    {% else %}
    <button unicorn:click="edit">Edit</button>
    {% endif %}
from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView

class RowView(UnicornView):
    book = None
    is_editing = False

    def edit(self):
        self.is_editing = True

    def cancel(self):
        self.is_editing = False

    def save(self):
        self.is_editing = False

The changes for the table component where the row child component is added in. Views will always have a children attribute – here it is used to set is_editing to false on all rows when the table gets reloaded.

<!-- table.html --->
{% load unicorn %}
  {% unicorn 'filter' %}

    {% for book in books %}
    {% unicorn 'row' book=book %}
    {% endfor %}
from book.models import Book
from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView

class TableView(UnicornView):
    books = Book.objects.none()

    def mount(self):

    def load_table(self):
        self.books = Book.objects.all()

        for child in self.children:
            if hasattr(child, "is_editing"):
                child.is_editing = False


Unicorn requires components to have a unique identifier. Normally that is handled automatically, however multiple child components with the same component name require some help.

For child components, unicorn:id is automatically created from the parent’s unicorn:id and the child’s component name. If a child component is created multiple times in the same parent, one of the following can be used to create unique identifiers:

  • pass in a key keyword argument to the child component

{% unicorn 'row' book=book %}
  • pass in an id keyword argument to the child component

{% unicorn 'row' book=book %}
  • the view has an attribute named model which has either a pk or id attribute

{% unicorn 'row' model=book %}