
Module Contents#

django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.EMPTY_ELEMENTS = ('<area>', '<base>', '<br>', '<col>', '<embed>', '<hr>', '<img>', '<input>', '<link>', '<meta>',...#
django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.is_html_well_formed(html: str) bool#

Whether the passed-in HTML is missing any closing elements which can cause issues when rendering.

django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.assert_has_single_wrapper_element(root_element: bs4.element.Tag, component_name: str) None#

Assert that there is at least one child in the root element. And that there is only one root element.

django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.get_root_element(soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) bs4.element.Tag#

Gets the first tag element for the component or the first element with a unicorn:view attribute for a direct view.


BeautifulSoup tag element.

Raises Exception if an element cannot be found.

class django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.UnsortedAttributes#

Bases: bs4.formatter.HTMLFormatter

Prevent beautifulsoup from re-ordering attributes.

attributes(tag: bs4.element.Tag)#

Reorder a tag’s attributes however you want.

By default, attributes are sorted alphabetically. This makes behavior consistent between Python 2 and Python 3, and preserves backwards compatibility with older versions of Beautiful Soup.

If empty_boolean_attributes is True, then attributes whose values are set to the empty string will be treated as boolean attributes.

class django_unicorn.components.unicorn_template_response.UnicornTemplateResponse(template, request, *, context=None, content_type=None, status=None, charset=None, using=None, component=None, init_js=False, **kwargs)#

Bases: django.template.response.TemplateResponse

An HTTP response class with a string as content.

This content can be read, appended to, or replaced.


Override the TemplateResponseMixin to resolve a list of Templates.

Calls the super which accepts a template object, path-to-template, or list of paths if the first object in the sequence is not a Template.


Render (thereby finalizing) the content of the response.

If the content has already been rendered, this is a no-op.

Return the baked response instance.