# Settings `Unicorn` stores all settings in a dictionary under the `UNICORN` attribute in the Django settings file. All settings are optional. ```python # settings.py UNICORN = { "APPS": ["unicorn",], "CACHE_ALIAS": "default", "MINIFY_HTML": False, "MINIFIED": True, "SERIAL": { "ENABLED": False, "TIMEOUT": 60, }, "SCRIPT_LOCATION": "after", "MORPHER": { "NAME": "morphdom", "RELOAD_SCRIPT_ELEMENTS": False, }, } ``` ## APPS Specify the modules to look for components. Defaults to `["unicorn",]`. ## CACHE_ALIAS The alias to use for caching. Only used by the experimental serialization of requests for now. Defaults to `"default"`. ## MINIFY_HTML Minify the HTML generated by `Unicorn` in the AJAX request. If set to `True` and [`htmlmin`](https://pypi.org/project/htmlmin/) is installed HTML will be minified. `htmlmin` can be installed with `Unicorn` via `poetry add django-unicorn[minify]` or `pip install django-unicorn[minify]`. Defaults to `False`. ## MINIFIED Provides a way to control if the minified version of the JavaScript bundle (i.e. `unicorn.min.js`) is used. Defaults to `!DEBUG`. ## SERIAL Settings for the experimental serialization of requests. Defaults to `{}`. ### ENABLED Whether slow requests to the same component should be queued or not. Defaults to `False`. ### TIMEOUT The number of seconds to wait for a request to finish for additional requests to queue behind it. Defaults to `60`. ## SCRIPT_LOCATION Where the initial JavaScript data is included on initial render. Two values are currently supported: `after` and `append`. **after** is the default and will render the JavaScript _outside_ of the HTML component, i.e. it will be output in the same hierarchy as the parent of the HTML component. **append** will render the JavaScript _inside_ of the HTML component. ## MORPHER Configures the library to use for diffing and merging the DOM. Defaults to `{}`. ### NAME The name of the morpher to use. Defaults to `"morphdom"`. Specify `"alpine"` to use the [Alpine.js Morph Plugin](https://alpinejs.dev/plugins/morph). See [Custom Morphers](custom-morphers.md) for more information. ### RELOAD_SCRIPT_ELEMENTS Whether script elements should be reloaded when a component is re-rendered. Defaults to `False`. Only available with the `"morphdom"` morpher.