# Polling `unicorn:poll` can be added to the root `div` element of a component to have it refresh the component automatically every 2 seconds. The polling is smart enough that it won't poll when the page is inactive. ```python # polling.py from django.utils.timezone import now from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class PollingView(UnicornView): current_time = now() ``` ```html
{{ current_time }}
``` A method can also be specified if there is a specific method on the component that should called every time the polling fires. For example, `unicorn:poll="get_updates"` would call the `get_updates` method instead of the built-in `refresh` method. To define a different refresh time in milliseconds, a modifier can be added as well. `unicorn:poll-1000` would fire the `refresh` method every 1 second, instead of the default 2 seconds. ```html
{{ update }}
``` ## Disable poll Polling can dynamically be disabled by checking a boolean field from the component. ```python # poll_disable.py from django.utils.timezone import now from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class PollDisableView(UnicornView): polling_disabled = False current_time = now() def get_date(self): self.current_time = now() ``` :::{code} html :force:
current_time: {{ current_time|date:"s" }}
::: ````{note} The field passed into `unicorn:poll.disable` can be negated with an exclamation point. ```python # poll_disable_negation.py from django.utils.timezone import now from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class PollDisableNegationView(UnicornView): polling_enabled = True current_time = now() def get_date(self): self.current_time = now() ``` :::{code} html :force:
current_time: {{ current_time|date:"s" }}
::: ```` ## PollUpdate A poll can be dynamically updated by returning a `PollUpdate` object from an action method. The timing and method can be updated, or it can be disabled. ```python # poll_update.py from django.utils.timezone import now from django_unicorn.components import PollUpdate, UnicornView class PollingUpdateView(UnicornView): polling_disabled = False current_time = now() def get_date(self): self.current_time = now() return PollUpdate(timing=2000, disable=False, method="get_date") ``` :::{code} html :force:
current_time: {{ current_time|date:"s" }}