# Loading States `Unicorn` requires an AJAX request for any component updates, so it is helpful to provide some context to the user that an action is happening. ## Toggling Elements Elements with the `unicorn:loading` attribute are only visible when an action is in process. ```html
``` When the _Update_ button is clicked, the "Updating!" message will show until the action is complete, and then it will re-hide itself. ```{warning} Loading elements get shown or removed with the [`hidden`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/hidden) attribute. One drawback to this approach is that setting the style `display` property overrides this functionality. ``` You can also hide an element while an action is processed by adding a `remove` modifier. :::{code} html :force: true
Not currently updating!
::: If there are multiple actions that happen in the component, you can show or hide a loading element for a specific action by targeting another element's `id` with `unicorn:target`. ```html
``` An element's `unicorn:key` can also be targeted. ```html
``` ```{note} An asterisk can be used as wildcard to target more than one element at a time. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ``` ## Toggling Attributes Elements with an action event can also include an `unicorn:loading` attribute with either an `attr` or `class` modifier. ### attr Set the specified attribute on the element that is triggering the action. This example will disable the _Update_ button when it is clicked and remove the attribute once the action is completed. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ### class Add the specified class(es) to the element that is triggering the action. This example will add `loading` and `spinner` classes to the _Update_ button when it is clicked and remove the classes once the action is completed. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ### class.remove Remove the specified class from the element that is triggering the action. This example will remove a `active` class from the _Update_ button when it is clicked and add the class back once the action is completed. :::{code} html :force: true