# Actions Components can also trigger methods from the templates by listening to any valid event type. The most common events would be `click`, `input`, `keydown`, `keyup`, and `mouseenter`, but [MDN has a list of all of the browser event types available](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Events). ## Events An example action to call the `clear_name` method on the component. ```html
Hello {{ name|title }}
``` ```python # clear_name.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class ClearNameView(UnicornView): name = "World" def clear_name(self): self.name = "" ``` When the button is clicked, the `name` property will get set to an empty string. Then, the component will intelligently re-render itself and the text input will update to match the property on the component. ```{tip} Instance methods without arguments can be called from the template with or without parenthesis. ``` ## Passing arguments Actions can also pass basic Python types to the backend component. ```html
Hello {{ name|title }} 👋
``` ```python # passing_args.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class PassingArgsView(UnicornView): name = "World" def set(self, name="Universe"): self.name = name ``` ### Argument types Most basic Python types, including `string`, `int`, `float`, `bool`, `list`, `tuple`, `dictionary`, and `set`, are supported by default. ```html
``` #### Coerced types Arguments with the types of `datetime`, `date`, `time`, `timedelta`, and `UUID` can be coerced by using a type annotation in the action method. ```{note} [Django's `dateparse` methods](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/utils/#module-django.utils.dateparse) are used to convert strings to the date-related type. ``` ```{note} Both integer and float epochs can also be coerced into `datetime` or `date` objects. ``` ```python # argument_type_hints.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView from datetime import date, datetime from uuid import UUID class ArgumentTypeHintsView(UnicornView): def is_datetime(self, obj: datetime): assert type(obj) is datetime def is_uuid(self, obj: UUID): assert type(obj) is UUID def is_date(self, obj: date = None): assert type(obj) is date ``` ```html
``` #### Django models Django models can be instantiated as an argument or with a `pk` kwarg and a type annotation. ```python # argument_model.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView from django.contrib.auth.models import User class ArgumentModelView(UnicornView): def is_user_via_arg(self, obj: User): assert type(obj) is User def is_user_via_kwarg(self, pk: User=None): assert type(obj) is User ``` ```html
``` #### Custom types Custom objects can also be used as a type annotation and `Unicorn` will attempt to instantiate the object with the value that is passed in as the argument. ```python # argument_custom_type.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class CustomType: def __init__(self, custom_type_id: int): self.custom_type_id = custom_type_id class ArgumentCustomTypeView(UnicornView): def is_custom_type(self, obj: CustomType): assert type(obj) is CustomType ``` ```html
``` #### Enums Enums themselves cannot be passed as an argument, but the enum _value_ can be since that is a Python primitive. Use the enum as a type annotation to coerce the value into the specified enum. ```python # enum.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView from enum import Enum class Color(Enum): RED = 1 GREEN = 2 BLUE = 3 PURPLE = 4 class EnumView(UnicornView): color = Color.RED purple_color = Color.PURPLE def set_color(self, color: Color): self.color = color ``` ```html

Color: {{ color }}
Color int: {{ color.value }}
``` ## Set shortcut Actions can also set properties without requiring an explicit method. ```html
Hello {{ name|title }} 👋
``` ```python # set_shortcut.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class SetShortcutView(UnicornView): name = "World" ``` ## Modifiers Similar to models, actions also have modifiers which change how the method gets called. ### prevent Prevents the default action the browser would use for that element. The same as calling `preventDefault`. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ### stop Stops the event from bubbling up the event chain. The same as calling `stopPropagation`. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ### discard Discards any model updates from being saved before calling the specified method on the view. Useful for a cancel button. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ```python # discard_modifier.py from django_unicorn.components import UnicornView class DiscardModifierView(UnicornView): name = None def cancel(self): pass ``` ### debounce Waits the specified time in milliseconds before calling the specified method. :::{code} html :force: true
::: ## Special arguments ### $event A reference to the event that triggered the action. ```html
``` ### $returnValue A reference to the last return value from an action method. ```html
``` ### $parent A reference to the parent of the current component. ## Special methods ### $refresh Refresh and re-render the component from its current state. ```html
``` ### $reset Revert the component to its original state. ```html
``` ### $toggle Toggle a field on the component. Can only be used for fields that are booleans. ```html
``` ```{tip} Multiple fields can be toggled at the same time by passing in multiple fields at a time: `unicorn:click="$toggle('check', 'another_check', 'a_third_check')"`. Nested properties are also supported: `unicorn:click="$toggle('nested.check')"`. ``` ### $validate Validates the component. ```html
``` ## Calling methods Sometimes you need to trigger a method on a component from regular JavaScript. That is possible with `Unicorn.call()`. The first argument is the name (or key) of the component and the second argument is the name of the method to call. ```html {% unicorn 'hello-world' %} ``` ```html {% unicorn 'hello-world' key='hello-universe' %} ``` Passing arguments to the method call is also supported. ```html {% unicorn 'hello-world' %} ``` ## Return values To retrieve the last action method's return value, use `Unicorn.getReturnValue()`. ```html {% unicorn 'hello-world' %} ```